Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

That is the big question...

Felipe, Fernanda and Diego presented this topic.

First of all they started giving some of information about Finland ands South of Korea where good jobs and teacher's qualifications are a result of high student's scores.

Then this group talked about "Red Maestros de Maestros", created to make the teaching practice and performance stronger than nowadays.

To finish with this presentation they made a debate the following question...

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

Personally I think that everybody has skills to teach...maybe not as teachers but everybody has tought something during their lives...but I think that the difference is when you like teaching and you do it happily...

I also think that Universities shopuld include a Vocational test for teachers or future teachers..a psicological test, because students are not robots, they have feelings and sometimes people who think they can teach...can not...

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