Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the classroom we have different activities for doing with our students, but some time these activities are always the same … our task as a future teacher is to change and use new activities in our lessons.
Today Claudio presented about role plays and how to use it in lessons…. Sometimes is important that we learn using new thing such us role plays where students are able to assume a role and develop a character using obviously English… role plays is a good tool for improving speaking in our students.

What is Role-Playing?

In most role-playing exercises, each student takes the role of a person affected by an issue and studies the impacts of the issues on human life and/or the effects of human activities on the world around us from the perspective of that person. More rarely, students take on the roles of some phenomena, such as part of an ecosystem, to demonstrate the lesson in an interesting and immediate manner.

Why Use Role-Playing?

Role-playing is simultaneously interesting and useful to students because it emphasizes the "real-world" side of science. It challenges them to deal with complex problems with no single "right" answer and to use a variety of skills beyond those employed in a typical research project. In particular, role-playing presents the student a valuable opportunity to learn not just the course content, but other perspectives on it.

How to Teach Using Role-Playing?

The instructor needs to decide the context for the exercise and the role(s) that the students will play. If the students are taking human roles, the context is generally a specific problem such as global warming or dealing with an active volcano. Lessons need to be carefully explained and supervised in order to involve the students and to enable them to learn as much as possible from the experience. However, a well-done scenario never runs the same way twice, teaches people things they might not ordinarily have learned, and tends to be fun for all involved.

Communication betwen PAreNtS AnD cHiLdReN

One important topic was presented today by Pedro. He talked about communication and its important elements, but specially how parents communicate with their childre...
I agree with pedro abpout the importance of communicate correctly with children, specially because we are future teachers and also we will be father or mother in the future, fot these reason we have to know how to communicate with our future students and future children...

Pedro in his presentantion gave us different tips about communication, for this reason I was searching for information about this topic and the result was this web page from U.K.... Please read it !!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today there was a very good presentation which is related to STRESS.

This is something that affects everybody sometime in their life.

Here there is some information for you to take into account:

Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them.

General causes
A perceived threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, social threats, financial threat, and so on. In particular it will be worse when the person feels they have no response that can reduce the threat, as this affects the need for a sense of control.
Generally speaking, any threat to needs is likely to lead to stress being experienced.
Threat can lead to fear, which again leads to stress. Fear leads to imagined outcomes, which are the real source of stress.
When we are not certain, we are unable to predict, and hence feel we are not in control, and hence may feel fear or feel threatened by that which is causing the uncertainty.
Cognitive dissonance
When there is a gap between what we do and what we think, then we experience cognitive dissonance, which is felt as stress. Thus, if I think I am a nice person then do something that hurts someone else, I will experience dissonance and stress.
Dissonance also occurs when we cannot meet our commitments. We believe we are honest and committed, but when circumstances prevent us from meeting our promises we are faced with the possibility of being perceived as dishonest or incapable (ie. a social threat).
Life causes
There are many causes of stress in life including:
Death: of spouse, family, friend
Health: injury, illness, pregnancy
Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed
Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm
Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage
Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner
Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss
Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours
New location: vacation, moving house
Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it
Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail
Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
Stress at work
The UK's Health and Safety Executive lists six key stress factors:
The demands of the job
The control staff have over how they do their work
The support they receive from colleagues and superiors
Their relationships with colleagues
Whether they understand their roles and responsibilities
How far the company consults staff over workplace changes.
Other stress indicators at work include:
Sickness absence
High staff turnover
Poor communication between teams
Lack of feedback on performance
Value and contribution
Technological change
Lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities
Dissatisfaction with non-monetary benefits
Working long hours
Boring and mundane work
One-off incidents
Uncomfortable workplace
Lack of training

The use of CoUrSe BoOkS

It is important to use course books in our lessons? … Today it was my presentation about the uses of course books and I gave you some advantages and disadvantages about this important tool inside the classroom…
I hope that you observe and take into account these advantages… pay attention!!!
¢ Teachers have a guide.
¢ It is safer.
¢ Good as a curricular resource.
¢ “Very” useful for new teachers.
¢ Teachers do not have to spent too much time planning.
¢ Books bring TIPS for teachers & students.
¢ The book’s topics can be used to engage students.
¢ Reliable source of exercises.
¢ Books bring extra resources.
¢ Activities are already done.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BrandS and Femicide

Katerinne today show us how some brands are using some social problems for increasing its business …. FES is a brand that is related to teenagers and they decided to use femicide in their advertisement…
Here we have a pictures related to this advertisement… I think that they are using this important problem negatively and promote violence against women. We have to think about it !!

TeeNager and SuiCiDe

Unfortunately suicide affects our society, but especially teenagers are been attracted by this problem…. Today Eduardo presented about suicide in teenagers, I reckon that this topic is completely relevant for us as a future teachers, because we have to be aware about teenagers’ problems especially problems that they can not assume alone…

I found this article surfing on internet.... Check it !!

By Brenda High

The statistics show that that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among those 15 to 25 years of age and the 6th leading cause of death among those 5 to 14 years of age. Can you believe that 5 year olds are killing themselves! Are these isolated incidents? No, its estimated that 500,000 teenagers try to kill themselves every year, and about 5000 succeed. That's right up there with cancer and homicide.
Many families who have experienced suicide try to hide what happened from their community, and sometimes try to deny what they experienced from each other. Sadly, rather than face suicide as a fact of how their loved one died, many victims (survivors) never talk about it in open conversation. As Jared's mom, I can testify that the subject of Jared's suicide was an uncomfortable subject to talk about the first few years after Jared died.
Who does the silence hurt, you might ask? First of all, the immediate family and acquaintances of the suicide victim. Because everyone needs to grieve at a loved ones death, lack of communication between friends and family can only hurt a healing heart. Humans have a strong desire to talk about and have deep discussions with others who understand the loss of a loved one. The greatest fear of anyone who has lost a child is that everyone will forget their loved one who has died, that their child's name will forever be excluded from conversation.
Some people think that by talking about suicide, the attention might encourage others to commit the act of suicide. Actually, the opposite is true. Open and honest discussion is the best prevention for suicide as well as any emotional, or even physical condition. How many people have been saved from Cancer because they shared a concern with someone who then helped them to seek help. Talking about suicide gives thought to the consequences and victims left behind. And with a little help and time, almost anyone can be helped with suicidal feelings. But it has to be talked about first!
Studies have shown that as many as fifty percent of the general public have seriously considered suicide as a solution to our problems. I would dare say that at some time in everyone's life, everyone has had, at least, a passing thought of the suicide option. The danger is when a person thinks about suicide while they have depression - when thoughts have a hard time escaping the entrapment of a clouded brain.

Adolescents and drugs.

Today there was a presentation related to adolescents and the drugs abuse.

I think it is a good topic to talk about because nobody knows if we, as teachers or parents, will have to face a problem like this.

For that reason I think it's interesting to know some tips about it and being aware.

Teenagers may be involved with legal or illegal drugs in various ways. Experimentation with drugs during adolescence is common. Unfortunately, teenagers often don’t see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience.

Using alcohol and tobacco at a young age increases the risk of using other drugs later. Some teens will experiment and stop, or continue to use occasionally, without significant problems. Others will develop a dependency or addiction, often moving on to more dangerous drugs and causing significant harm to themselves and possibly others.

Adolescence is a time for trying new things. Teens use drugs for many reasons, including curiosity, because it feels good, to reduce stress, to feel grown up, or to fit in. It is difficult to know which teens will experiment and stop and which will develop serious problems.

Teenagers at risk for developing serious alcohol and drug problems include those:
with a family history of substance abuse
who are depressed
who feel like they don’t fit in or are out of the mainstream

Also I would like to show you some extra information I found about this topic.

The following behaviors can be warning signs of problems related to alcohol or other drug use.

Repeated health complaints
Frequent flu-like episodes, chest pains, "allergy" symptoms, chronic cough
Red and glazed eyes
Impaired ability to fight off common infections and fatigue
Impaired short-term memory
Change in health or grooming
Personality change
Sudden mood changes
anger, hostility
Irresponsible behavior
Low self-esteem
Poor judgment
Feelings of loneliness, paranoia, or
Apathy or general lack of interest
Change in personal priorities
Family Relationships
Decreased interest in the family and family activities
Starting arguments
Negative attitude
Verbal (or physical) mistreatment of younger siblings
Breaking rules
Withdrawing from family
Failure to provide specific answers to questions about activities
Personal time that is unaccounted for
Lying and dishonesty
Unexplained disappearance of possessions in the home
Increased money or poor justification of how money was spent
School Activities
Decreased interest
Negative attitude
drop in grades
Irregular school attendance
Discipline problems
Not returning home after school
Peer Relationships
Dropping old friends
New group of friends
Not bringing friends home
New friends who make poor decisions and are not interested in school or family activities
Changes to a different style in dress and music
Attending parties with no parental supervision
Some of the warning signs listed above can also be signs of other problems. Parents may recognize signs of trouble but should not be expected to make the diagnosis.

Consulting a physician to rule out physical causes of the warning signs is a good first step. This should often be followed or accompanied by a comprehensive evaluation by a
mental health professional.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

If technology changes, Education must change!!!!

We are future teachers, and we are living in a world that change every day… we also have to change every day, it is necessary that we consider the technology in our lessons, because is possible that we update our knowledge and change our resources….
One of these technological changes is the board, now teacher we have a new resource for teaching and developing our lessons, this invention is the Smart Board, obviously is a board that it is connected to a PC using programs to make easier the pedagogical process for our students…. Our task now is to learn how to use it !!!!!

If you want to know more about this board visit this web page:http://www.globalmac.cl/productos.

Monday, September 29, 2008



One of the topics seen during classes with Mr. Litman was "Teachers victims of bullying".

This is a BIG problem teachers have to face everyday nowadays. It happens inside the classrooms where respect and values of the students have disapeared.

As a future teacher I think it is a very important topic that should be trat on schools and maybe this way, teacher would be better prepared to face these kinds of behaviours because all we can hear is:

" teachers have to be respectful"

"teachers should not punish students!

"Teachers should do this, teachers should do that..."

But What are student's duties in the classroom?

Do not they have to respect teachers too??

Yes... It should be don't you think??

Students are the untouchables but who protects teacher??

We need a teacher's hero hahahaha

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Musica Sepúlveda V/S Mónica Jimenez

It is incredible how a called DIALOGUE can change from one second to other...

Today we talked about what hapopened with this student and the Ministry of Education...images say everything. I think everybody has the right to say what they thing and express what theu feel but it seems like this student did not remember what education was it self...unfortunately Mónica, who is the Ministry of Education, had to come across with this ashamed escenario.

I think it is a pity to have students that even studing do not learn anything about respect and rules...

I just have a question now..Where was her mother???

Wooow.. no I remember she was supporting her daughter.. there is a very used phrase... De tal palo tal astilla...

How can you say that in English??

Maybe Musica would say WATER!!


Just write your comments.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CURFEW for teenagers, an idea that works??

I think it can work...but not only rules grow up children...they need more than everything the precense of their parents and also they need to have communication !!!!

that is the clue I think....

Here i found a website that you can visit and check for more information.

These are some TIPS taken from there...Personally I think parents HAVE TO have the control of the situation and not the other side.



Do set an appropriate blanket curfew. You can always add or restrict this time when they have something special to do or you need them to be home earlier.
Do not allow them to just walk out the door and say I'll see you at such and such a time. They still should tell you where they are going and call in if their plans change.
Do allow some lead way on special occasions such as proms.
Do not allow them to call 1/2 hour before they are to be in to ask if they can sleep over at a friends. This is generally a red flag saying 'something is up'.
Do set a reasonable time for all involved. If you would like to get some sleep before midnight on a friday evening, then set the time for 11 pm.
Do not get sucked into what 'everyone else is allowed to do'.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Differences between Schools

Private vs. Public Schools: What's the Difference?

Anybody's goal is to find a school that will meet your child's needs.

But how do you choose between a public school and a private school?


Public schools cannot charge tuition. They are funded through federal, state and local taxes. When you pay your taxes, you are paying for your child's education and the education of other children in your community.
Private schools cost money. Private schools do not receive tax revenues, but instead are funded through tuition, fundraising, donations and private grants. According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the median tuition for their member private day schools in 2005-2006 in the United States was close to $14,000 for grades 1 to 3, $15,000 for grades 6 to 8 and $16,600 for grades 9 to 12. The median tuition for their member boarding schools was close to $29,000 for grades 1 to 3, $32,000 for grades 6 to 12. Note that of the 28,384 private schools in the United States, about 1,058 are affiliated with NAIS. The Digest of Education Statistics 2005 from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that for the 1999-2000 school year, the average private school tuition was about $4,700.
Parochial schools generally charge less. According to the National Catholic Educational Association, in their annual statistical report in 2005-2006, the average elementary school tuition for Catholic schools (in 2005) was $2,607; the average freshman tuition (for 2002-2003) was $5,870. Catholic Schools enroll more students (49%) than any other segment of private schools.


Public schools admit all children. By law, public schools must educate all children, including students with special needs. To enroll in a public school you simply register your child by filling out the necessary paperwork.
Private schools are selective. They are not obligated to accept every child, and in many private schools admission is very competitive.

Here in chilke we also have some similar differences that my classmates explained, that is why I chosen this differences,...to have a general vew about it...

I think differencves are terrible....

it should be the same for all of us...

What diffferences could you add???

PS: Look at the picture...if you want to know more you can read this book.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pre-universitary courses in Chile

This presentation was made by Marlene, Paula and Claudio.

They explained what pre-Universitary are saying that these are:

"institutions focused to prepare students to face the PSU (prueba de selección universitaria)"

They showed us different alternatives ans also gave us usefull information about different prices students have to pay in different institutions.


Some people need them, some of them don't...

I think it depends of every person but maybe it is also an instance to mature....many students feel not prepared to face universities or to chose a carreer.

Did you take a course like this before enter university?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

That is the big question...

Felipe, Fernanda and Diego presented this topic.

First of all they started giving some of information about Finland ands South of Korea where good jobs and teacher's qualifications are a result of high student's scores.

Then this group talked about "Red Maestros de Maestros", created to make the teaching practice and performance stronger than nowadays.

To finish with this presentation they made a debate the following question...

CaN AnyOnE Be TeaCheRs?

Personally I think that everybody has skills to teach...maybe not as teachers but everybody has tought something during their lives...but I think that the difference is when you like teaching and you do it happily...

I also think that Universities shopuld include a Vocational test for teachers or future teachers..a psicological test, because students are not robots, they have feelings and sometimes people who think they can teach...can not...

Monday, September 1, 2008

CUBAN Education

Education in Cuba has been another major accomplishment of the Revolution. Before it, education was unavailable to over half of Cuban children.

In 1960, the revolutionary government began a war on illiteracy. Where nearly a quarter of the population hadn't been able to read before, the campaign ended with an illiteracy rate of 3%.
Nowadays compulsory education through the ninth grade exists in Cuba. From there, students can choose what they want to do next.

Cuban students have always been enthusiastic about their education. The effects of the Special Period and tourism are having some negative effect on this.
Some students choose to go to a pre-collegiate school, technical school, or none at all. If they graduate from the college preparatory school, they can attend college for free if they choose.
Around 7% of the population has graduated from college and 4% have degrees. In addition, there are 1.3 million graduates of technical schools in Cuba.

Like in other countries, students compete for the best educational opportunities. Testing is done to spot talented students.
In many rural areas, students attend BOARDIN SCHOOLS. At these schools, students work are required to perform agricultural or some other form of manual labor in addition to their studies.

What do you think about this?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Public Schools in the Bitain

A public school, in common British usage, is a school which is usually prestigious and historic, which charges fees, does not arbitrarily restrict admissions, and is financed by bodies other than the state, commonly as a private charitable trust. Often but not always they are boarding schools. Confusingly to a non-native English speaker a public school is actually a private school! In British usage, a government-run school (which would be called a 'public school' in other areas, such as the United States ) is called a state school.
Many of the independent schools in the UK do not refer to themselves as public schools. Many choose to use the term independent school. In part this is due to a sense that some 'minor' public schools have many of the social associations and traditions of public schools but without the quality of teaching and extracurricular activities.
The term 'public' (first adopted by Eton) historically refers to the fact that the school was open to the paying public, as opposed to, a religious school that was only open to members of a certain church, and in contrast to private education at home (usually only practical for the very wealthy who could afford tutors).
Public schools played an important role in the development of the Victorian social elite. Under a number of forward-looking headmasters leading public schools developed a curriculum based heavily on classics and physical activity for boys and young men of the upper and upper middle classes. They were schools for the gentlemanly elite of Victorian politics, armed forces and colonial government. Often successful businessmen would send their sons to public school as a mark of participation in the elite (it was Martin Wiener's opposition to this tendency which inspired his 1981 polemic "English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit: 1850-1980", which became a huge influence on the Thatcher government's opposition to old-school gentlemanly Toryism and, by default, a key reason for the recent upsurge of privately-educated pop singers in the UK).
Public schools often relied heavily on the maintenance of discipline by older boys, both to reduce staffing costs and as preparation for military or public service.
While under the best circumstances the Victorian public schools were superb examples of education, the reliance on corporal punishment and the prefect system could also make them awful. The classics-based curriculum was criticised for not providing skills in sciences or engineering.
The public school system influenced the school systems of the British empire to an extent. Recognisably 'public' schools can be found in many Commonwealth countries.
Today most public schools are highly selective on academic grounds, as well as financial grounds (ability to pay high fees) and social grounds (often a family connection to the school is very desirable in admissions).

I think that the following list will help you a lot if you need more informaition about public schools.

These are some sames of the public schools in britain....please just use google.com...it is very eassy

1- Write down the name on google.com

2-Click on SEARCH ...and that's all!!!

You can have more information by reading the profile of the schools.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Today after discussing about the student María Musica Sepúlveda and the Education Minister we started to talk abpout an interestin topic, which is "Learning to Learn".

Learning to learn is an American and succeded program to study and in a good way.

This program, provides to students different skills such as:

- Critical thinking skills.

- Reading, writing, math and science skills, etc.

The main idea of this program is to increase the effectiveness of student's natural habilities to solve problems, increase their academical performance and comprehension.

Taking into account what was mentioned before, I think that this kind of programes are very usefull for people in general because it helps you to develop all skills you need to learn.

Would you use some program like this to improve your learning skills??

wooow... good question, I'd say yes... and you?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bruno Bozzetto

Some time ago in class we discussed about a Bozzetto´s Flash related to the world creation called "LIFE"... For this reason I am very intereseted on Bozzeto´s work and I decided to look up into the web for more information and flashes and this was my "discovery", I hope that you enjoy the flashes of this webpage.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let´s debate about LOCE !!!

Today in class we developed a debate for our classmates related to LOCE and all the effects it has in education ... Methodologically we divided the debate in 3 steps:

1st Step: In 10 minutes Nicole and Dreny talked about the LOCE´s history and its important elements in relation to educational system.

2nd Step: Using 10 more minutes we divided our classmates in 2 group. One group was against the LOCE and the other one was For the LOCE.

3rd Step: Both groups disscussed betwen them about LOCE using the information given to them during the first step.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

educarchile a Portal For ALL the EduCational Community

today we worked in the lab, and we found information and important elements for us as a future teachers in a Chilean web page, www.educarchile.cl

educarchile is the portal for the Chilean educational community and its purpose is to supply its members with arising needs.

The importance of this page is that we can find information about chilean education in spanish and also in english.

If you wanto to see more about this page: www.educarchile.cl

School Leadership

Rodrigo Adaro, Fernanda Cortes and Felipe Ortiz showed us a presentation about School leadership which I think is very usefull for us because we will be teachers and we need to know what is school leadership.

The term school leadership came into currency in the late 20th century for several reasons. Demands were made on schools for higher levels of pupil achievement, and schools were expected to improve and reform. These expectations were accompanied by calls for accountability at the school level.

If you are looking for more information...just click on the following link:

Apart from this, I would like to upload some information about leadership because I think that would be a good help to use in the future as a tool for teaching.

"Being a leader means:
•Being hated at times•
Working hard
•Being booed instead of applauded
•Having others to get the recognition you deserved."
I agree with all these ideas because leaders are exposed to recive many "comments" and we have to be prepared to face them
"Leaders are in the eye of he huracan".

Monday, May 12, 2008

MoRE aBoUt ClaSsRoOm MaNaGeMent ...

Today Evelyn and Daniella talked about classroom management and they complemented in a good way the las presentation about classroom management, they gave us important strategies for managing the class ...the presentation was very clear and tidy!!!!!

Im going to give you some tips in relation to classroom management .... try to use it !!!

  • Keep all students actively involved in every lesson!! For example, while a student does a presentation, involve the other students in taking notes or evaluating it.

  • Explain to the class that learning to be organized is a skill that is learned AND it is important.

  • Do ONE thing at a time.

  • To plan the lesson

  • Change your voice entonation

  • Use proximity control...be nearby....WALK up and down the rows, around the room, around the groups. STAND next to the restless.

  • Use student names in discussion. Use student names in examples or problems

Thursday, May 1, 2008


My classmates, Pedro Pérez, Fabián Verasay, Claudio Barriga prepared a presentation about Bullying.

I think it is a very interesting topic that we have to know, we have to talk about it and face it.

Day by day there's a new problem in schools in relatio to bullying and some child is maybe being part of the violence that exists in every school.

First of all I'd like to share a web site where I found extra information about this topic that can help us to know how to face bullying.

Now, I suppose that you have some questions, such as...

What is bullying?

•Bullying is a problem that exist in many schools were a bully person uses their strenght or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.

Kinds of bulling:

•Cyber-Bullying•Verbal-Bullying•Physical-Bullying•Relational-BullyingThere was a TV program called “Informe especial”, Journalist Angela Robledo, where was showed the reallyto in relation to bullying at school and the journalist said that:

•Public schools = A bully person hurts weaker people by hits.and...•Private schools = A bully person hurts weaker people humiliating them.

ALSO IN CHILE a 47% of students suffer bullying and most of victims have said that they usually feel:







This is a big problem into our society and around the whole world, for that reason I was thinking about it and I decided to ask you something about it...

What would you do as a teacher to stop bullying at schools???

I Think I'd read the book before I answer this question.

What about you?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

what are our roles ??

Today in class we talk about "teacher's personality" and our teachers were Dreny, Katherine and Nicole.

The presentation was very interesting because we discuss about different teacher's roles as for example a monitor or informer teacher.

I think that it is important to be aware about our role in the classroom as a future teachers, because we will work with people and we will be part of their development.

As a future teachers we have to be prepared to face different difficulties in the classroom, and the way that we face these situation is part of our role as a educator... we have to be alert !!!

Our classmates gave us some practical hints to improve our role... :

  • Move around the class

  • Anticipate problems and act quickly

  • Have any extra material ... Just in case !!

  • To look the students when they are talking to you (eye contact)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bruno Bozzeto... LiFe... an interesting flash film !!

Bruno Bozzetto is an Italian cartoon animator, creator of many short pieces, mainly of a political or satirical nature.

During the class we watched a Bozzetto's flash called LIFE... This video is fascinating, and it has a lot of detail that are interesting to analyze.

After we watched the flash, we disscussed in groups about the flash.

I think that every detail represents our reality, but I consider that the main idea of this video is to show us how we are destroying the world...

Friday, April 25, 2008


The last class, my group presented the first micro lesson of the class and our topic was: "CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT".

We talked about different things in relation to the manage of the classroom. I consider that all teachers should know, for instance, the way teachers should use their voices for being heard, and how student should be placed in the classroom.

I believe that all our class had some idea about clasroom management but, I think that now, they know more than just a concept, they know techniques to reach the objective of every teacher, to be a leader.

If you are a teacher, Would you like to share your opinion with me?

Please if you have something to add, do it.

I'll be glad of reading your words.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hi everyone!

As you know, I have created my own blog for the first time.
Maybe I should answer th following question, WHY?.
The reason is that I have a new and interesting subject this year called:
"COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE" and my teacher is Mr. Litman, who told us that we'll work with this blog during the year.

I think it's a very good idea to try new things like blog to teach and at the same time to learn more about these types of thing related to something that involves us in a BIG, BIG bubble...

Thank's for visiting my blog in which you'll be always WELCOME!
Enjoy it!