Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BrandS and Femicide

Katerinne today show us how some brands are using some social problems for increasing its business …. FES is a brand that is related to teenagers and they decided to use femicide in their advertisement…
Here we have a pictures related to this advertisement… I think that they are using this important problem negatively and promote violence against women. We have to think about it !!

TeeNager and SuiCiDe

Unfortunately suicide affects our society, but especially teenagers are been attracted by this problem…. Today Eduardo presented about suicide in teenagers, I reckon that this topic is completely relevant for us as a future teachers, because we have to be aware about teenagers’ problems especially problems that they can not assume alone…

I found this article surfing on internet.... Check it !!

By Brenda High

The statistics show that that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among those 15 to 25 years of age and the 6th leading cause of death among those 5 to 14 years of age. Can you believe that 5 year olds are killing themselves! Are these isolated incidents? No, its estimated that 500,000 teenagers try to kill themselves every year, and about 5000 succeed. That's right up there with cancer and homicide.
Many families who have experienced suicide try to hide what happened from their community, and sometimes try to deny what they experienced from each other. Sadly, rather than face suicide as a fact of how their loved one died, many victims (survivors) never talk about it in open conversation. As Jared's mom, I can testify that the subject of Jared's suicide was an uncomfortable subject to talk about the first few years after Jared died.
Who does the silence hurt, you might ask? First of all, the immediate family and acquaintances of the suicide victim. Because everyone needs to grieve at a loved ones death, lack of communication between friends and family can only hurt a healing heart. Humans have a strong desire to talk about and have deep discussions with others who understand the loss of a loved one. The greatest fear of anyone who has lost a child is that everyone will forget their loved one who has died, that their child's name will forever be excluded from conversation.
Some people think that by talking about suicide, the attention might encourage others to commit the act of suicide. Actually, the opposite is true. Open and honest discussion is the best prevention for suicide as well as any emotional, or even physical condition. How many people have been saved from Cancer because they shared a concern with someone who then helped them to seek help. Talking about suicide gives thought to the consequences and victims left behind. And with a little help and time, almost anyone can be helped with suicidal feelings. But it has to be talked about first!
Studies have shown that as many as fifty percent of the general public have seriously considered suicide as a solution to our problems. I would dare say that at some time in everyone's life, everyone has had, at least, a passing thought of the suicide option. The danger is when a person thinks about suicide while they have depression - when thoughts have a hard time escaping the entrapment of a clouded brain.

Adolescents and drugs.

Today there was a presentation related to adolescents and the drugs abuse.

I think it is a good topic to talk about because nobody knows if we, as teachers or parents, will have to face a problem like this.

For that reason I think it's interesting to know some tips about it and being aware.

Teenagers may be involved with legal or illegal drugs in various ways. Experimentation with drugs during adolescence is common. Unfortunately, teenagers often don’t see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience.

Using alcohol and tobacco at a young age increases the risk of using other drugs later. Some teens will experiment and stop, or continue to use occasionally, without significant problems. Others will develop a dependency or addiction, often moving on to more dangerous drugs and causing significant harm to themselves and possibly others.

Adolescence is a time for trying new things. Teens use drugs for many reasons, including curiosity, because it feels good, to reduce stress, to feel grown up, or to fit in. It is difficult to know which teens will experiment and stop and which will develop serious problems.

Teenagers at risk for developing serious alcohol and drug problems include those:
with a family history of substance abuse
who are depressed
who feel like they don’t fit in or are out of the mainstream

Also I would like to show you some extra information I found about this topic.

The following behaviors can be warning signs of problems related to alcohol or other drug use.

Repeated health complaints
Frequent flu-like episodes, chest pains, "allergy" symptoms, chronic cough
Red and glazed eyes
Impaired ability to fight off common infections and fatigue
Impaired short-term memory
Change in health or grooming
Personality change
Sudden mood changes
anger, hostility
Irresponsible behavior
Low self-esteem
Poor judgment
Feelings of loneliness, paranoia, or
Apathy or general lack of interest
Change in personal priorities
Family Relationships
Decreased interest in the family and family activities
Starting arguments
Negative attitude
Verbal (or physical) mistreatment of younger siblings
Breaking rules
Withdrawing from family
Failure to provide specific answers to questions about activities
Personal time that is unaccounted for
Lying and dishonesty
Unexplained disappearance of possessions in the home
Increased money or poor justification of how money was spent
School Activities
Decreased interest
Negative attitude
drop in grades
Irregular school attendance
Discipline problems
Not returning home after school
Peer Relationships
Dropping old friends
New group of friends
Not bringing friends home
New friends who make poor decisions and are not interested in school or family activities
Changes to a different style in dress and music
Attending parties with no parental supervision
Some of the warning signs listed above can also be signs of other problems. Parents may recognize signs of trouble but should not be expected to make the diagnosis.

Consulting a physician to rule out physical causes of the warning signs is a good first step. This should often be followed or accompanied by a comprehensive evaluation by a
mental health professional.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

If technology changes, Education must change!!!!

We are future teachers, and we are living in a world that change every day… we also have to change every day, it is necessary that we consider the technology in our lessons, because is possible that we update our knowledge and change our resources….
One of these technological changes is the board, now teacher we have a new resource for teaching and developing our lessons, this invention is the Smart Board, obviously is a board that it is connected to a PC using programs to make easier the pedagogical process for our students…. Our task now is to learn how to use it !!!!!

If you want to know more about this board visit this web page:http://www.globalmac.cl/productos.