Tuesday, May 13, 2008

educarchile a Portal For ALL the EduCational Community

today we worked in the lab, and we found information and important elements for us as a future teachers in a Chilean web page, www.educarchile.cl

educarchile is the portal for the Chilean educational community and its purpose is to supply its members with arising needs.

The importance of this page is that we can find information about chilean education in spanish and also in english.

If you wanto to see more about this page: www.educarchile.cl

School Leadership

Rodrigo Adaro, Fernanda Cortes and Felipe Ortiz showed us a presentation about School leadership which I think is very usefull for us because we will be teachers and we need to know what is school leadership.

The term school leadership came into currency in the late 20th century for several reasons. Demands were made on schools for higher levels of pupil achievement, and schools were expected to improve and reform. These expectations were accompanied by calls for accountability at the school level.

If you are looking for more information...just click on the following link:

Apart from this, I would like to upload some information about leadership because I think that would be a good help to use in the future as a tool for teaching.

"Being a leader means:
•Being hated at times•
Working hard
•Being booed instead of applauded
•Having others to get the recognition you deserved."
I agree with all these ideas because leaders are exposed to recive many "comments" and we have to be prepared to face them
"Leaders are in the eye of he huracan".

Monday, May 12, 2008

MoRE aBoUt ClaSsRoOm MaNaGeMent ...

Today Evelyn and Daniella talked about classroom management and they complemented in a good way the las presentation about classroom management, they gave us important strategies for managing the class ...the presentation was very clear and tidy!!!!!

Im going to give you some tips in relation to classroom management .... try to use it !!!

  • Keep all students actively involved in every lesson!! For example, while a student does a presentation, involve the other students in taking notes or evaluating it.

  • Explain to the class that learning to be organized is a skill that is learned AND it is important.

  • Do ONE thing at a time.

  • To plan the lesson

  • Change your voice entonation

  • Use proximity control...be nearby....WALK up and down the rows, around the room, around the groups. STAND next to the restless.

  • Use student names in discussion. Use student names in examples or problems

Thursday, May 1, 2008


My classmates, Pedro Pérez, Fabián Verasay, Claudio Barriga prepared a presentation about Bullying.

I think it is a very interesting topic that we have to know, we have to talk about it and face it.

Day by day there's a new problem in schools in relatio to bullying and some child is maybe being part of the violence that exists in every school.

First of all I'd like to share a web site where I found extra information about this topic that can help us to know how to face bullying.

Now, I suppose that you have some questions, such as...

What is bullying?

•Bullying is a problem that exist in many schools were a bully person uses their strenght or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.

Kinds of bulling:

•Cyber-Bullying•Verbal-Bullying•Physical-Bullying•Relational-BullyingThere was a TV program called “Informe especial”, Journalist Angela Robledo, where was showed the reallyto in relation to bullying at school and the journalist said that:

•Public schools = A bully person hurts weaker people by hits.and...•Private schools = A bully person hurts weaker people humiliating them.

ALSO IN CHILE a 47% of students suffer bullying and most of victims have said that they usually feel:







This is a big problem into our society and around the whole world, for that reason I was thinking about it and I decided to ask you something about it...

What would you do as a teacher to stop bullying at schools???

I Think I'd read the book before I answer this question.

What about you?